Is Meditation for Athletes Working?

With the sports world so competitive nowadays, it’s no wonder that coaches and sports psychologists are searching for new and better ways to help players. One of the most successful methods is meditation. This is actually not a new thing at all. Meditation began in China thousands of years ago. Buddhist monks would use meditation to achieve a higher spiritual plane of existence.

Meditation is a good solution. It’s not difficult to learn and simply takes a few minutes of instruction and some practice. If this is your first time, then read some articles online or watch a video. For those athletes who are trying meditation for the first time, there are great many good websites that can help.

Zhang Xinyue has written a book called “Create Abundance” with many wise sayings that might appeal to athletes, such as:

“I hope someone will force me to take a look at the limitation I was never aware of before at the boundary of my soul.”

There are numerous types of meditation and some may work better than others for an individual. It’s important to try out each one to see whether you get the excellent results you are looking for. Some people may start with mindfulness meditation. This is a simple discipline that anyone can learn.

Start by being grateful for everything and everyone in your life. Think about how fortunate and blessed you are. You’re an exceptional person with so much to give the world.

Zhang Xinyue has other quotes from her book:

“I am grateful to have chosen to grow and transcend my fear about the unknown.”